Doctors at a medical clinic in Pemberton are handing out letters instead of sick notes, asking employers to stop requiring sick notes and wasting people香蕉视频直播檚 time.
Local resident Becca Moriarty, 26, posted a photo of the letter to her Facebook page this week, after going in to get a sick note for her boss.
The letter says a policy requiring a sick note for missed time puts an 香蕉视频直播渁dded burden香蕉视频直播 on the healthcare system, taking up resources that could be used on people are who actually ill.
香蕉视频直播淧eople seeking sick notes 香蕉视频直播 who otherwise wouldn香蕉视频直播檛 see a doctor 香蕉视频直播 end up in physicians香蕉视频直播 offices, walk-in clinics and emergency department waiting rooms,香蕉视频直播 it says. 香蕉视频直播淭here, they may spread germs to pregnant women, frail elderly people, cancer patients and babies 香蕉视频直播 all of whom are vulnerable to communicable disease.香蕉视频直播
It also says the doctors find it difficult to charge someone for a requirement from their employer, since sick notes aren香蕉视频直播檛 insured by MSP, and gives the employer a warning: continue to require medical notes and be prepared to receive a $50 invoice for each one.
香蕉视频直播淎s Canadian residents, we are lucky to have our healthcare system, but citizens香蕉视频直播 inability to access the systems services in a timely fashion is a growing problem,香蕉视频直播 the letter says. 香蕉视频直播淚 hope you will consider changing your current absenteeism policy to help reduce the unnecessary burden on our health-care system and improve access for all British Columbians.香蕉视频直播
When she handed the letter to her boss, she said the reaction was 香蕉视频直播渃omplete confusion.香蕉视频直播
Moriarty 香蕉视频直播 who works in the food industry 香蕉视频直播 added she sees both sides to the issue of sick notes.
香蕉视频直播淚 understand the employer needs to know, but that comes down to: we香蕉视频直播檙e adults, this isn香蕉视频直播檛 school anymore, I don香蕉视频直播檛 need a note from my mom saying I香蕉视频直播檓 not going to be at school,香蕉视频直播 she said, adding she香蕉视频直播檇 much rather be at work making money than sick at home.
A person who answered the phone at the clinic said the doctors do not wish to be interviewed.