BrainTrust Canada launched its annual Helmet Safety Program to reduce preventable brain injuries at the Belgo Elementary School bike rodeo event in Kelowna on Wednesday, May 22.
Kelowna RCMP officers and City of Kelowna bylaw officers attended the launch and gave free Nutcase brand helmets to three students at the event.
From spring through fall, community policing officers and bylaw officers will continue to interact with youth on the importance of helmets and use their discretion to provide helmets to youth that require them.
READ MORE: B.C. woman praises helmet after truck runs over her head
The officers will also hand out 香蕉视频直播減ositive tickets香蕉视频直播 to youth that say they were 香蕉视频直播渃aught香蕉视频直播 doing something positive, such as wearing a helmet or walking their bike across the road.
Young riders who receive positive tickets may be rewarded with a treat from one of the various sponsors, including McDonald香蕉视频直播檚, Domino香蕉视频直播檚 and Petro Canada.
The helmet program has taken place in collaboration with the City of Kelowna for years, with the support of sponsor Associated Canadian Travelers/United Commercial Travelers.
BrainTrust is also working with the City of Vernon, District of Lake Country and District of Peachland with local sponsors.
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