Five Okanagan athletes are coming home with medals from the 2025 Special Olympics World Winter Games in Turin, Italy.
At the week-long games, it was athletes from Kelowna that dominated in cross country skiing:
- Francis Stanley: Gold (10k Free Technique M01), Gold (5k Free Technique M01), Gold (4x1k Relay D01);
- Kelsey Wyse: Gold (4x1k Relay D03), 4th (500m Free Technique F01), 4th (2.5K Classical Technique F02), 8th (2.5k Classical Technique);
- Tracey Melesko: Gold (4x1k Relay D03), 5th (2.5K Free Technique), 6th (1k Free Technique).
In snowshoeing, both Kelowna and Vernon athletes put on good showings:
- Tony Wilkinson (Kelowna): Gold (4x100m M01), Bronze (100m M07), 4th (200m M06);
- Danielle Pechet (Vernon): Bronze (400m F03), 4th (800m F01), 4th (4x100m F01).
And Revelstoke's Yorke Parkin came home with three gold medals in Alpine Skiing events: Advanced Giant Slalom M01, Advanced Super G M01, Advanced Slalom M01.
香蕉视频直播淭o represent my country means so much to me, and it's an honour to travel around the world with my teammates on Special Olympics Team Canada,香蕉视频直播 said Wilkinson, whose dad and brother were both coaches at the games in snowshoeing and cross country skiing.
香蕉视频直播淪pecial Olympics has changed my life, as it taught me to eat healthy food and the importance of working out. Making new friends, learning new sports, and having a supportive community that welcomes everyone.香蕉视频直播
In total, 22 of Canada's athletes were from B.C., earning 29 of Team Canada's 116 medals (39 gold, 35 silver, and 42 bronze).
香蕉视频直播淏.C.香蕉视频直播檚 members of Special Olympics Team Canada 2025 achieved greatness on and off the fields of play," said Special Olympics BC president and CEO Dan Howe." These passionate athletes with intellectual disabilities delivered many personal bests and moments of inspiration, and opened hearts and minds to their abilities."
The list of all results can be found on the Canadian Special Olympics .
The next big competition in B.C. is the 2025 Special Olympics BC Summer Games, which takes place in Prince George from July 10-12.