When it comes to nightlife security, minds drift back to old-school bouncers and Road House rules with the strongest, burliest guys in town just itching to throw people out.
That㽶Ƶֱs not the case, today.
Modern-day security guards are now trained professionals.
The manager of the Liquid Zoo, David Habib, sat down with Capital News to discuss what it takes to work in the field.
㽶ƵֱBack in the early 90s when I first got into the business, you had to stock yourself with the biggest, toughest guys because they had to be capable of dealing with all kinds of issues which were pretty much a weekly thing.㽶Ƶֱ
Security at liquor establishments is required to be licensed through the province and complete Basic Security Training, a 40-hour course including a final exam.
The Liquid Zoo takes this one step further by requiring all security staff to complete Advanced Security Training, allowing them to use handcuffs as restraints.
㽶ƵֱSince we reopened in February, [using handcuffs as restraints] maybe happened two or three times. It㽶Ƶֱs not a very regular thing and it㽶Ƶֱs all going to be dependent on the person㽶Ƶֱs attitude.㽶Ƶֱ
As manager, Habib keeps his license up-to-date by renewing it every three years.
He also has several bartenders and other staff, including women, that are licensed for security if needed.
When asked why Habib said it all comes down to safety.
㽶ƵֱSafety is paramount. I㽶Ƶֱll use myself as an example, in 2019 I got punched in the eye, I got blindsided by an individual,㽶Ƶֱ Habib said. 㽶ƵֱI lost 50 per cent of vision in my left eye for nothing. Absolutely, nothing. There was no reason to do it㽶Ƶֱ It㽶Ƶֱs one of those things that we don㽶Ƶֱt want that to happen to another staff member. I㽶Ƶֱm lucky that I㽶Ƶֱve still got some vision.㽶Ƶֱ
And it㽶Ƶֱs not just safety for staff, but for everyone who walks through the door.
IDs are scanned, pictures taken, and security pats patrons down for drugs and weapons.
㽶ƵֱThe basis for it is for public safety. If there㽶Ƶֱs somebody who㽶Ƶֱs flagged as a public safety risk it㽶Ƶֱll be on there and then they can㽶Ƶֱt come in, that㽶Ƶֱs just the way it is. So, you don㽶Ƶֱt want to get banned as a public safety risk, because you㽶Ƶֱre not going in anywhere. We㽶Ƶֱre not just talking North America, this system is in Australia and many other cities around the world. It㽶Ƶֱs actually taking the world by storm and I think with great reason. Look at what㽶Ƶֱs happened in the States, in the nightclub shootings and things like that. For everybody to have to be identified is a pretty important thing.㽶Ƶֱ
Habib says everyone deserves to have a good time and go home at the end of the night.
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