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Michael Yellowlees is our guest on the latest edition of Today in BC with Peter McCully.
In 2021, the musician left Tofino, B.C., walking to Cape Spear in Newfoundland with his Alaskan Husky dog, Luna.
Yellowlees, from Scotland, raised $80,000 for a 㽶ƵֱTrees for Life㽶Ƶֱ charity in Scotland and raised attention to the effects of climate change in his home country.
The journey wore through five pairs of boots and two kilts and Yellowlees says they faced all types of weather conditions during the nine-month trip.
㽶ƵֱWe were caught in snowstorms as we crossed the Rockies, walking over the Paulson pass and the snow is coming in sideways,㽶Ƶֱ he said. 㽶ƵֱWhen you are actually in that situation and the wind㽶Ƶֱs blowing, the rain㽶Ƶֱs falling down, the snow㽶Ƶֱs coming sideways, it actually becomes exhilarating.㽶Ƶֱ
The musician is retracing his steps from the 2021 journey this summer in part, as a musical project.
㽶ƵֱIt㽶Ƶֱs a way for us to relive the journey of last year and reconnect with all the friends that we㽶Ƶֱve made throughout Canada,㽶Ƶֱ he said. 㽶ƵֱThis is very much a musical project, so we㽶Ƶֱre going try and collaborate with as many musicians throughout Canada as we can and raise awareness around what㽶Ƶֱs going on in Canada, around climate change.㽶Ƶֱ
Funds raised on Yellowlee㽶Ƶֱs 2022 journey will be donated to the Nature Conservancy of Canada.
Yellowlees has been working on an album of songs and invites musicians across the country to be involved.
㽶ƵֱWe can either collaborate together, get together and play a song together,㽶Ƶֱ he said. 㽶ƵֱThere㽶Ƶֱs a whole mix of songs. But really the message for the album is to join the fight, is to stand up. One of the songs we㽶Ƶֱre writing is 㽶ƵֱWe㽶Ƶֱve gotta wake up and start a Revolution㽶Ƶֱ. I think that㽶Ƶֱs really the message we have to do. This is such an important cause.㽶Ƶֱ
Listeners are invited to contact Michael Yellowlees through his Facebook page, 㽶ƵֱMichael and Lena, a Rewilding Journey.㽶Ƶֱ
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