Bev Edwards-Sawatzky, an Oyama woman, took 45 poverty-stricken Bolivian women under her wing.
Fifteen years ago, when Edwards-Sawatzky saw a display of sweaters knitted by the Minkha Co-operative in Bolivia, she knew she had to get involved. The next year, she flew to Bolivia, the poorest nation in South America, to get to know the knitters and their story personally.
Until the late 1980s, the women had lived in Oruro; their men worked in the world香蕉视频直播檚 richest tin mines. Then world tin markets crashed. The mines closed.
In that machismo culture, the men abandoned their wives and children and left in search of new jobs. Relocated to Cochabamba, lacking education, employable skills, and incomes, the women eked out an existence on the streets.
The only skill they had was knitting. All through the Andes women knit 香蕉视频直播 while walking, while talking, while riding the bus, while tending children. A Save the Children volunteer organized a few of these displaced women into a knitting cooperative, called Minkha and brought some of their sweaters to Canada.
In the local Quechua language, 香蕉视频直播淢inkha香蕉视频直播 means 香蕉视频直播渨omen working together.香蕉视频直播
Since then, the annual sales that Edwards-Sawatzky has organized in Edmonton, Calgary, Cranbrook, and in Lake Country here in the Okanagan have sent close to one million dollars to the Bolivian women.
There香蕉视频直播檚 another sale coming up Saturday, May 13. As in past years, it will be held at Winfield United Church, 3751 Woodsdale Road in Lake Country.
The Bolivian sweaters will be on sale from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sweater prices range from $190 to $210. Ruanas, a knitted wrap worn like a coat, cost $250. Shawls and hats come as low as $40.
香蕉视频直播淚t sounds expensive,香蕉视频直播 Edwards-Sawatzky admits. 香蕉视频直播淏ut the alpaca wool alone would cost that much here in Canada. In any international retail market, the price would be at least twice as much.香蕉视频直播
Some garments are also knitted in lighter-weight pima cotton, which Edwards-Sawatzky calls 香蕉视频直播渢he Cadillac of cottons.香蕉视频直播
Internationally renowned clothing designer Kaffee Fassett was so impressed by the quality of the Bolivian women香蕉视频直播檚 knitting that he personally donated some of his trademarked patterns to them.
All of the money received for sweaters goes to the Bolivian women. Canadian sales are run entirely by volunteers.
Each sweater takes about two weeks of steady knitting; a ruana can take three or four weeks. After buying her wool from local suppliers, each knitter makes about $1.60 an hour.
It香蕉视频直播檚 not much. Some of the Bolivian women still live in what Canadians would consider poverty. Chickens roam through dirt-floored houses. A few women still cook on open charcoal fires.
But others have improved their homes with brick walls and permanent roofs.
香蕉视频直播淲hen I used to knit for the local people,香蕉视频直播 said one mother of three children, 香蕉视频直播淚 could use my payment to buy two pounds of sugar. With the payment from Canada, I could buy 104 pounds of sugar!香蕉视频直播
Since the Minkha Cooperative was launched 30 years ago, one of the knitters has now had two children in university: One to become a nurse, the second a human-rights lawyer. Another woman香蕉视频直播檚 son recently graduated as a doctor, and has returned to the city of Cochabamba to serve the people where he got his start.
And in perhaps the finest compliment, one woman asked Bev Edwards-Sawatzky to be her daughter香蕉视频直播檚 godmother.
These kinds of personal connection make differences in language, customs, and religion fade into insignificance.
The doors will open for this year香蕉视频直播檚 Bolivian sweater sale at 10 a.m. May 13, at Winfield United Church, 3751 Woodsdale Road in Lake Country. For more details, call the church at 250-766-4458, or Edwards-Sawatzky at 250-766-6808.