How to tackle encampments set up in jurisdictional 㽶ƵֱBermuda Triangles㽶Ƶֱ is something South Okanagan officials are going to look at tackling.
West Bench Director Riley Gettens raised the topic at the Regional District of Okanagan Similkameen㽶Ƶֱs Oct. 6 meeting along with a request that it be added as part of the RDOS㽶Ƶֱ strategic planning.
The topic was particularly of concern as residents in West Bench have been raising the issue of an encampment that has been set up and even begun establishing itself into and up the nearby clay banks.
㽶ƵֱWe have an active encampment that㽶Ƶֱs been building up on the north side of Highway 97 just south of Sage Mesa, and the immediate concern for the community is the fire risk,㽶Ƶֱ said Gettens. 㽶ƵֱSo over the past few days, I think I㽶Ƶֱve probably talked to about seven different entities, and nobody has ownership of this.㽶Ƶֱ
Gettens noted that she had spoken with the RDOS㽶Ƶֱ CAO and bylaw department, with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure given the camp㽶Ƶֱs location on crown land adjacent to the highway, and with the RCMP.
Interim Supt. Bob Vatamniuck of the RCMP noted that officers have limited power as long as nothing criminal, such as stolen property or violence, is occurring at such camps.
㽶ƵֱI will say the unhoused are very clever people in that they find these Bermuda Triangles that have these jurisdictional conundrums,㽶Ƶֱ said Vatamniuck. Having a collaborative table, an active table that can address these as they pop up is a fantastic idea and we㽶Ƶֱd love to sit at that and explore jurisdictional and enforcement issues.㽶Ƶֱ
The discussion started after other area directors shared examples of recent difficulties, including camping at Cawston㽶Ƶֱs Kobau Park and an encampment up a forestry road near Okanagan Falls. The idea that the conception among people that it is easier to escape scrutiny, or enforcement at the least, in the rural areas as opposed to in the municipalities was also shared by directors.
In the case of the camp near West Bench, complicating matters is that Gettens said MOTI was not willing to send people into the camp without it being cleared. She also said that the next step will likely involve getting the Penticton Fire Department involved to work with RCMP and perform a fire risk assessment to determine grounds for shutting it down.
While dealing with this camp may be possible in the immediate future, other camps across the region remain likely to continue to be an issue, which spurred the inclusion of a collaborative table as part of the RDOS㽶Ƶֱ strategic planning.
Director and Penticton Coun. Helena Konanz noted that those future discussions should include talk about supports and places for those people to go beyond the largest city in the region, which she added was already over-franchised when it comes to housing supports.
㽶ƵֱI think it㽶Ƶֱs important for all of us to get together to talk about what we㽶Ƶֱre gonna do with people when because of fire danger, et cetera, we do have to clear out these encampments, to make sure that Penticton isn㽶Ƶֱt the only community that takes on the responsibility of so many people that need housing,㽶Ƶֱ said Konanz. 㽶ƵֱI know there are others, but we need places through the region that can support people who are unhoused.㽶Ƶֱ