Kelowna RCMP have deployed a new tactic to tackle bike thievery in the city.
The RCMP have started leaving香蕉视频直播攁nd surveilling香蕉视频直播攚hat they refer to as 香蕉视频直播渂ait bikes香蕉视频直播 around the city in an attempt to apprehend those who try to steal them.
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On June 13, a bait bike was stolen within 90 minutes of it being deployed outside a Kelowna business. RCMP traced the bait bike to a nearby residential property. A search warrant was obtained and executed by the Target Team of the Kelowna RCMP Street Enforcement Unit, which resulted in the recovery of the outstanding bait bike, a suspected stolen bike and a confirmed stolen bike, which had been reportedly taken in late May.
On the same day, a second deployed bait bike was allegedly taken by a suspect, who police caught riding in the area of Highway 97 and Highway 33. That suspect faces potential criminal charges. He was identified by police and later released on conditions, expected to appear in court at a later date.
香蕉视频直播淭heft of bicycles in our community continues to be a concern, and the RCMP will continue to target those responsible for committing these crimes,香蕉视频直播 states Cpl. Jesse O香蕉视频直播橠onaghey, spokesman for the Kelowna RCMP. 香蕉视频直播淭he Kelowna RCMP will continue to target bike thieves through this initiative and other enforcement tactics. Specifics about the bait bike, where it was or will be deployed and other details will not be released.香蕉视频直播
RCMP also remind bike-owners to record their bicycle香蕉视频直播檚 serial number in case of theft. Without a serial number on record chances of recovering a bike and having it returned are low.
To register your bike with Project 529, visit the .
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