UPDATE: Tuesday, Feb. 11
Vernon council approved the first step in a massive, nearly 4,000-new home project at 580 Commonage.
The OCP Amendment application will be referred next to the Advisory Planning Committee, Climate Action Committee, Housing Advisory Committee, RDNO, and the public via a developer open house.
Council added that a summary of reports from all the community engagements will be provided to council, "one month prior" to first and second reading of the OCP Amendment.
The size and scope of the project predictably brought up several discussion points.
Councillor Brian Guy wanted to investigate the wildfire risk of the project more.
"There needs to be some commentary on how we manage it with respect to wildfires," Guy said.
Coun. Kari Gares added that currently, Vernon has a "deficit" in housing needs and this project "potentially might address those gaps, however this is definitely a 10-year out program."
ORIGINAL: Council will hear an innovative plan for new, attainable priced housing, including a large proposal for the Commonage lands south of Vernon.
The city will review a proposal from Leonard Kerkhoff, president of B.C.-based Kerkhoff Develop-Build, to allow the construction of nearly 4,000 new homes, with more than 1,800 of those designed to help address the shortage of attainably priced homes in Vernon.
Kerkhoff is proposing to build a new master-planned community on part of its 421-hectare (1,040 acre) property known as the , located seven minutes from downtown Vernon. The new homes would be built in multiple stages over the next couple of decades.
香蕉视频直播淲ith our proposal for the 580 Commonage, we香蕉视频直播檙e seeking the city香蕉视频直播檚 support in principle to help create an inventory of urgently needed, attainably priced homes, while preserving the remaining two-thirds of the land for conservation and recreational use, protecting it from further future development,香蕉视频直播 said Kerkhoff.
The aim is to price these homes below comparable market prices, coupled with a nature-conscious commitment to environmental stewardship.
香蕉视频直播淟ight touch" construction would be used to build new homes that work with the natural landscape to protect the health and beauty of the lands. Some of the other new homes on the site will be reserved for seniors and affordable rental housing. Additional market priced housing will round out the balance of the development.
Under the proposal, superior quality construction materials will be manufactured off site, transported, and assembled on site. Construction time for each home is forecast to be less than two months.
香蕉视频直播淏y rethinking our approach to home design and construction while preserving land for conservation, we are reintroducing attainable homes back into the market and bringing hope back to home ownership,香蕉视频直播 said Kerkhoff. 香蕉视频直播淭oo many people who live and work in Vernon can香蕉视频直播檛 afford to buy their own home and are spending too much of their income on sky-high rents for multiple housing units or condominiums.
香蕉视频直播淏y proposing this innovative new housing concept, our objective is to give hope to thousands of potential home buyers by making home ownership attainable again."
Kerkhoff is seeking an Official Community Plan amendment and rezoning which would be required for the proposed development plan that calls for 38 per cent of the land (159 hectares) to be developed for housing and a village town centre. The balance (262 hectares) would be conserved for park and recreational use, with almost half of that (120 hectares) being gifted to the City of Vernon as parkland.
A network of pathways will link clusters of homes with natural areas to the neighbourhood hub, as well as expanding the greater community香蕉视频直播檚 trail network.
Vernon is known as the Trails Capital of B.C.
City staff is recommending support of the proposal with a number of conditions attached.
Council holds its regularly scheduled meeting Monday, Feb. 10.